About Pulsar

Pulsar’s real name is Yu-Xiang Hong, in Traditional Chinese is 洪裕翔. Pulsar is a graduate student majoring in Computer Science at National Cheng Kung University. He has a passion for Data Science and Machine Learning (ML), and excels particularly in Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Over the past year and a half, Pulsar has researched Legal Judgment Prediction and has achieved remarkable accomplishments, including winning 2nd place (out of over a hundred participating teams) in the special project competition organized by the National Central University’s College of EECS, and publishing two papers. One of his papers has been accepted by TAAI 2022, and the other is currently under review by CLSR.

Recently, Pulsar has been continuing his research in ML and NLP. In addition, during his free time, Pulsar has been honing his skills in Algorithms by practicing on LeetCode.

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